In charge with research, naming and brand personality outline for a more refined and complete brand identity.
A copywriter at her core, Adela was always drawn to people who knew how to tell a good story. Although she studied Journalism as a University major, she shortly found out that writing and copywriting gave her more freedom of expression.
After working as a copywriter for ClipArt Advertising and Vitrina Advertising, two respected agencies from Cluj-Napoca, Adela decided that freelancing was the next step for her evolution and appetite for more. Analyzing brand archetypes and building a brand persona would soon be an undiscovered talent of hers.
Lately she found that brand naming was her forte. Among her most notable and recognizable names are: Electric Castle Festival (Romanian music festival), Narcoffee Roasters (coffee shop & coffee shop chain), Pep&Pepper (quick service restaurant), Condimental (renaming for Calif, quick service restaurant) together with its star product - Kebun (a kebab in a box), and many more.